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2004-03-01 - 10:30 p.m.

okay, I'd like to give you guys a proper update since it's been two weeks, but I've got a migraine coming on so I'm going to take some advil and go to bed. the highlights though:

- my trip to Kingston Feb. 18-21: awesome. it was so so so so good. I was frustrated, tired, and totally disgruntled before I left from the stress at work. I slept in, ate very good indian, viet-thai, and japanese food, read 2 1/2 books (yes, in 3 days), and even found a store that imports my favourite chocolate from England. it so good and I swore much, much less at the other drivers last week after I got back (the jury's still out on how this week will be--thankfully I picked up a couple of extra bars of the chocolate)

- I still like my job. some days I love it, some days I hate it. it all balances out. I generally enjoy it except that we get some clients that are difficult as hell to deal with. they blow their own deadlines and somehow find a way to blame us. the laws of logic don't apply to them. I'm not going to name what company they work for though, or my company for that matter, since I don't want to lose my job

uh... that's about it. other than that, I've been spending time with friends and going to the gym a lot. I'm working on getting a rock hard body, or at least toning up and keeping my back in good shape since I sit at a desk all day. I've been at it for 3 or 4 months now, so I've been seeing some good porgress.

and now I'm seriously going to bed. sleep tight.


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