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2004-03-06 - 1:19 p.m.

I just got back from doing my taxes.

I have to admit, I was hanging in the balance between terrified and excited before I went. Last year I had a big refund, which gave me a bit of hope this year--it's like I can't use the money (somehow writing that brought a voice into my head that said "Honey, who couldn't!"). I was afraid I might have to pay, however, because of the scholarship I had from when I was at Queen's last year (not to mention the T.A.ship that I didn't get taxed on, plus the fact that for some reason when I was still working for the federal government last year on those occasional weekends they didn't take taxes off--they did in 2002, not in 2003. I have no idea...).

I think it is criminal that students bust their asses to get scholarships but scholarships are taxable. That might not sound as bad as some, but I haven't said the worst part yet. For some reason the taxes aren't taken off at the time of the receipt of the scholarship. Oh no, no, no. They're taken off at tax time. After all of the money has been spent (in my case) on tuition/books/rent/groceries/utilities/any other expenses. I mean really, what the hell is that? I couldn't afford to set aside a chunk of that money for tax time later because I needed it to live--that's why I was travelling from Kingston to Toronto every other weekend to work for the government, so I could still afford to make rent.

So yes, taxable income that I hadn't been taxed on yet? 1 scholarship, 1 T.A.ship, and 1 federal government job. I was more than alarmed.

I walked in there with my trusty folder full of paperwork that had 3T4s, one tuition thing (T322A? I can't remember), one scholarship thing, two RRSP contribution reciepts, one receipt for rent in Kingston, and charitable donations to 2 churches (in Kingston and here at home) and to the Children's Aid.


I'm getting a tax return!!! And a good one too. Not quite as good as last year's but nearly as good. I've already got it planned out how I'm going to spend my money too. I'm going to pay off my credit card, get Futurama Vol. 2 and maybe Vol. 3, and possibly the soundtrack to A Mighty Wind. The remainder, which won't be much, will go on my student loan.

I feel like a small weight has lifted off my chest.

It's been a good day so far.


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